Monday, July 20, 2009

Road Trip

Well we went on a little vacation. Our original trip got delayed so we changed it into the best trip ever. We also learned how to keep the kids from getting bored at any one place. We just moved every night. We spent 6 nights in a different spot. With our new motorhome is was a breeze, or at least that's what Eric said. He did most of the work.

This was on our way to the first stop. We thought we were going to stop half way but the drive went by so quick we went all the way to Stockton on the Delta.

Well Stockton wasn't what we thought it was going to be so that set off the rest of our trip. We thought we were going to spent 4 nights but after one we thought we had seen it all. So, we headed off to Sacramento to see family and even squeeze in a DR. appt. Reed had an ear infection.

Reed, Ryan, Cole, Justine & Brad
They had a blast.

We left that morning and headed towards the coast. Eric just had to drive over the Golden Gate Bridge.

We stopped another night at a beach, Half Moon Bay.
Burr it was cold and windy so thank goodness we had Bingo to keep us busy until the wind died down. They had a cool bike path that went over a bridge. We say horses but couldn't find where they came from.

Reed found time to climb trees in between bike riding. We taught the kid to check all the fire pits for anything that people left behind. We still have the only bundle we bought because they did such a good job.

We left in the morning and headed down the 1, down the coast or they should say cliffs. We don't have to do that again in a 33 foot motorhome. My toes were tired of holding on so tight.
After 5 hours of driving we stopped at a Santa Cruz KOA.
They are so good at entertaining the kids. They had a blast, well so did we.

Soo cute!

Cole enjoyed riding the bull, even if it was for about 3 sec. They also did a scavenger hunt.

Heading to Pismo we stopped to visit the Elephant seals molting (shedding their fur)
It was amazing.

Yes we drove on the beach.

Yep, we got stuck.

After we got out we headed straight for a state beach that was more to our liking. I am not into camping on the freeway and that is what the beach camping seemed like. Our neighbors set up a move projected onto the side of their motorhome.

Our last stop was to see Aunt Bobbie and Uncle Craig in Solvang. So sorry I didn't get any pictures with them but this picture is a must. I have one of each.
We had a great time and it was nice to have family help with the boys. We rested up for the drive home the next day.
Back home and back to the heat (that I don't mind).
We truely had the best time. We have been married ten years this week and It just keeps getting better. thanks to our daddy and all of his hard work taking care of us.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh!!! Has is really been 10 years? I can't believe that. It doesn't seem like that long ago. Wow! You all look great. What a fun trip!! The boys look so happy. Brad is getting so big, too. I love the toothless grin!! :O) When is this new motor home headed eastward????? ;o)
