Monday, April 13, 2009

Update on my boys.

Sorry my mom hasn't been very good at keep this updated lately. She says it is hard to type with one hand, but I am not buying it. This is me, Brad with one of my favorite people. Every time I see him it makes me smile. My brothers just love me.
So this one is for you Judi. These Curious George books are great. I recommend them. Reed is a great reader now and just loves reading to me. Sometimes that is the only way my mom can get him to read. After, we play in his bunk bed. I just love it in there. There is so much to look at.

1 comment:

Judi Oakley said...

So cute!! I love it!! Brad is so into that book. You can just see how much they love each other. Doesn't make you want to crawl in there with them? :O)