Monday, April 13, 2009


Easter with our family.
Sorry I didn't get picts. of everyone. It was great. I wish every holiday was like this.

Foss and Aunt Michelle, or part of her.

Ready and waiting.
Aunt Carri and Brad. I love this picture.

The men.

Hanging out.

Cousin Foss and Uncle Mark.

Brad just loved his shirt. Anut Michelle said he could borrow it.

Brad and Uncle Craig
Aunt Bobbie. She is great she held Foss and me a lot. We were glad to finally meet her.

G-ma and Reed just after dying the eggs while Mom and Dad were shopping.

Great, now what do we do with them.


  1. go to: they have free backgrounds and more! then just go to gagets and do java script paste and coppy the background and WHA-La!

  2. She is so funny. :O) Ask and you shall receive! She LOVES doing this blog stuff. You can look at hers through her comment. She has made a blog for all of her younger siblings, too. She's funny!
