Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Here are our adorable boys all spiffed up for a wedding. The boys are starting baseball so we are offically Angels and Red Sox fans. Just practice now, they start March 7. Just let us know we will save you a seat in the stands. We will only be there about 5 nights a week.

Oh Reed is going to hate me in a few years for this. He begs to take bath with Brad. Too cute.
Oh yeah isn't he yummy! It's been a while but yeah we are busy. Brad is now 3 months old and doing great. He is a pretty mellow baby, who would love to sleep with me every night. He is so hard to resit. He holds his head up so well and is starting to find a voice in our loud home.

1 comment:

  1. Those boys are so boney!! Just like their Mommy!!! I can't get over them. Brad is getting so big. He is adorable. And you crack me up. I kept reading all of your notes that said more pictures please. And I was thinking, "I'm trying, I'm trying. I put up more than Charity does. I need to give a hard time about this. Where are her pictures? I want more of THEM!!" :O) When I read that you hadn't changed the month, I was laughing SO hard. Surprise!! There's like 500 new pictures since then!! I don't love to show off my kid or anything. ;o) But, I love looking at your boys, too. I love how much Cole and Reid obviously love Brad. So cute!
