Wow, It's been way way to long i am soo sorry. Honestly the time is flying by. As i sit dinner is cooking and Brad and Reed are in the bath. Boy it pays to have older brothers, They are lots of help, when they want to be.
So, Cole is in middle school. He is doing well struggling in math a little but he is getting better. It kills me because it is the only subject i was really good at. He is getting closer to the teenage years and boy can we tell. The attitude is the size of an elephant sometimes but when he is good, he is the best help.

Oh and all the hair is gone. lol

Reed, Reed, Reed boy this kid has more energy than the energizer bunny. He can barely sit down to eat. In fact he doesn't. He is having a hard time adjusting to being the only one at school. He lost his big brother protection and his mom isn't there helping all the time. Poor guy. He is a tuff guy but sensitive too.

Brad, well he is just all hair. We want to cut is just so we don't have to here, "Where does he get it from." Like really people, the milk man. I want to so God half the time so they leave it alone. He is just the best though. He is the mellowest one and taken care of by all of us. He has a cute little voice. He is always saying, "where's Reedy and Tole"

Oh and as of December there shouldn't be anymore of us.
They are all so cute we figured we better stop while we were ahead.
1 comment:
I miss my Bohlens! Lots of love to ya xox
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