Just got back from Kernville, CA. Never thought I'd say it but it was a great vacation. There was so much to do and a big celebration all weekend. We went to a parade, fishing, a carnival, street faire, and antique shops. It was a really neat place. They even had people living like they were it the old days. There was a cowboy camp and a indian camp and they were really sleeping in them. It was really neat for the boys to see.
Sitting by the fire in the morning.
So we might have big changes in our future. It looks like I am get a job. Wow a scary thought after at this time. Searching for daycare has been wierd and overwhelming. It is going to be a big change for all of us, but hopefully for the better. I just keep telling myself that lots of people do it.
Brad is 15 months old and is cutier than ever. He has such a personality. He definiley runs the show.
Boys are starting baseball again and soon we will be busier than ever.
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