Sunday, October 4, 2009

So it's been a while to say the least. We are busy busy but that is a good thing. As you know the big boys are back in school and overloaded with homework, good old LAUSD. The both have wonderful teachers so I don't have to worry as much this year. Cole is enjoying being in the fifth grade. Big man on campus, next year is middle school, oh no. Reed finally has real homework like Cole but is catching on fast. He is a quick kid, in many ways. Brad has reclaimed his title as the most popular sibling at El Oro Way. He is used to being there and loves all the attention the staff and students give him.

Fall ball.....This year we decided to play Fall Baseball rather than our usual soccer. Eric wanted to boys to keep their skill level up for the spring session. Eric is a coach for Reed's team. They each practice twice a week and have a game on Sunday. Cole's playing 1st base, as usual, with a few pitches here and there. Reed's playing in and out field. They rotate them around more.

Brad is definitely on the move. Crawling all over the place. He is pulling himself up and standing with no hands but doesn't walk along things, yet. He babbles da da and just started say ewww.
This picture is what he looks like when he does it. It's so funny. He does it a lot when he sees the boys with sweets. So much for the no sugar thing. Way to hard for #3.

Brad loves to play in the boys room. He loves wheels. He uses his little thumb and pushes the wheels.

Oh yeah I almost forgot. Cole Turned ten. Wow that was fast. We had a great party with friends from school at grandpa's. A swimming party. They had a fun time. It was the only way I could keep all the boys in one place. This pict. was the night before with the neighbors.

Hi Aunt Bobbie and Aunt Peggy. Hope you both know I do these with you both in mind. Enjoy!

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