Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Where does the time go!

Wow the time goes bye so fast, I can't keep up with this. I barely have time to type anymore. May started off with a bang. Eric turned 36! When I was young that seemed so old, but wow it goes quickly. We have had an eventful 2 weeks. We bought a new motor home or practically stole it I should say. One of Ken's customers wanted to get rid of it and we are reaping the reward. It is beautiful and just perfect for us.
We were so excited that we decided to take it for a test run over Mothers day. One night but we made the most of it. Brad is almost 6 yes I said 6 months old. He is truly adorable. He laughs all the time and lights up at the sight of all of us. The boys are doing great in baseball and super busy with school. Got to go baseball practice in 13 mins. Bye

1 comment:

Judi Oakley said...

And when might you be trying that bad boy out in Phoenix?!?!?!!? ';o)