Sunday, January 30, 2011

Wow, It's been way way to long i am soo sorry. Honestly the time is flying by. As i sit dinner is cooking and Brad and Reed are in the bath. Boy it pays to have older brothers, They are lots of help, when they want to be.
So, Cole is in middle school. He is doing well struggling in math a little but he is getting better. It kills me because it is the only subject i was really good at. He is getting closer to the teenage years and boy can we tell. The attitude is the size of an elephant sometimes but when he is good, he is the best help.

Oh and all the hair is gone. lol
Reed, Reed, Reed boy this kid has more energy than the energizer bunny. He can barely sit down to eat. In fact he doesn't. He is having a hard time adjusting to being the only one at school. He lost his big brother protection and his mom isn't there helping all the time. Poor guy. He is a tuff guy but sensitive too.

Brad, well he is just all hair. We want to cut is just so we don't have to here, "Where does he get it from." Like really people, the milk man. I want to so God half the time so they leave it alone. He is just the best though. He is the mellowest one and taken care of by all of us. He has a cute little voice. He is always saying, "where's Reedy and Tole"

Oh and as of December there shouldn't be anymore of us.
They are all so cute we figured we better stop while we were ahead.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Long time no see.

Wow, it's been a long time. So sorry but life keeps getting in the way of this computer. Let's see.....well I'm working. Ugh. Haven't missed that at all, but gotta do it. I am working for Chase in there loss mitigation department in a office building. It's kind of weird since I have never worked in the cubical environment. So far it has been really boring, but hopefully I am going to get trained to do something which will take more time.
Anyhow, April has been horrible. Someone has been sick every weekend of it so I am looking forward to May. Hopefully we are over it. Brad is almost 18 months. Such a cutie. This is my favorite age. he is saying many words, "Whats that, bye, hello, hi, mommy (Eric and I)."
He definitely works us all. He has lots of energy but goes with the flow. I guess he kind of has to.
Cole is graduating from elementary in a month and a half. I am so nervous about middle school. He has a cell phone now do to necessity, but he has been really good with it. It has already wore off and he does play with it as much. Lately it is just baseball and school, like usual.
Reed is hopping around like always. He is actually making great plays in baseball this year. He doesn't stare at the grass as much.

Thin he is chewing his fingers. I guess he is trying to hide it now. so sneaky haha
Dad pulled it out with pliers.

Just a couple baseball fans.

This is Brads favorite spot at baseball. He likes hide in the bushes.

Saturday, March 13, 2010


Oh my goodness, Reed was posing for me and I didn't even see brad until after I looked at the picture. Histerical. This is Brads camera face. Thses are Reeds jammies.

His angry look!

Coles scary face.

March 6 Cole competed in a Science Olympiad competion with some of his classmates. They won a gold metal. It was awesome.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Just got back from Kernville, CA. Never thought I'd say it but it was a great vacation. There was so much to do and a big celebration all weekend. We went to a parade, fishing, a carnival, street faire, and antique shops. It was a really neat place. They even had people living like they were it the old days. There was a cowboy camp and a indian camp and they were really sleeping in them. It was really neat for the boys to see.

It was pretty cold so we had to keep bundled up.
This was the saloon at the cowboy emcampment. The boys cheers to a shot of apple juice.

Sitting by the fire in the morning.

Just me trying out the timer on my camera.
So we might have big changes in our future. It looks like I am get a job. Wow a scary thought after at this time. Searching for daycare has been wierd and overwhelming. It is going to be a big change for all of us, but hopefully for the better. I just keep telling myself that lots of people do it.
Brad is 15 months old and is cutier than ever. He has such a personality. He definiley runs the show.
Boys are starting baseball again and soon we will be busier than ever.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

It's a New Year.

Ok it's really been a while. So I don't have any pictures of Christmas because I misplaced my camera. What you would have seen was a couple of cute boys in there underwear very excited as usual. They had a good Christmas. For New years we went camping with my sister and her family. It was great.

This is Brad's favorite toy. Really the only one he plays with right now.

Beanie Boys

Look'n good bro

Picture says it all.

Look who's walking. Brad is now 14 months and just started walking about 2 weeks ago. He is on the move. He is starting to talk a little also.
are a few of his favorite words.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Packages and Presents

So I lost the battle. We received lots of cards from Aunt Bobbie and Uncle Craig. I wanted them to wait until Christmas but Eric said no. Thank you both very much the boys were really excited and the money is in there banks:)

Brad enjoyed his gifts as well.

Even the packaging was a blast, until he stared eatting it.

"WOW!" is all he says lately.

Thanks again Aunt Bobbie and Uncle Craig.
Cole, Reed, and Brad!